Friday, July 27, 2012

How To Keep A Healthy Sleep

A good sleep is imperative for the health of a person. What happens is that after the body has been spent up during the day, it desires to rest and this leads to sleep. In this way, the muscles and the organs of the body are able to relax and can function normally every day. If a person is unable to sleep or does not get adequate sleep in the night then he cannot perform better, he cannot concentrate properly and if this persists for long, he can even suffer from sleep related diseases.
It’s vital that a person should know how to get a good sleep. There are several factors that may become an obstacle in order to get a good sleep and that they are mentioned below.
1. Spicy Foods
Many experts have researched and stated that a person should not eat spicy foods before going to sleep in the night. Such meals can lead to acid reflux and indigestion which is not good for the stomach. Excessive intake of spicy foods will take longer to digest so they should be avoided too.
2. Caffeine
Caffeine contains stimulants which affect the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system and makes them more active longer time period. A single cup of caffeine or even coffee can lead to difficulty in sleeping and too much of caffeine can even cause insomnia.
3. Television violence
If a person watches some horror or violence in a movie or a show on television then he would not able to get a good sleep. As such horror and violence or something similar will continue to disturb him during sleep and he will not be able to sleep peacefully at all.
4. Long naps
It has been seen that a person who takes naps for long may not feel good when he wakes up. That is he will tired and dazed out during the day. So it’s better to take a nap for only half an hour and develop this routine on a regular basis.
A person should make a habit of following a proper routine that would help him to get a good sleep. He can make a proper schedule for the time to sleep and the time to wake up. That is he should go to sleep at the designated time and get up at the time which he has selected for each day. In this way, his body will get accustomed to the routine and there will not be any problem of fatigue or restlessness during the day.
Secondly, a person should take a hot bath before going to sleep, as it will lower his body temperature and prepare his body to take the required rest in the night. Thirdly, a person should sleep on a comfortable bed and that it’s really necessary that it is of high quality. Fourthly, a person should keep his room dark and check that the room is not too hot as well. Lastly, a person should not drink alcohol and avoid smoking as they create difficulty in sleeping and he will not be able to get a good sleep.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Own The Healthy Sleep

Only the enough sleep can give us the healthy body, but chronic sleep disorders are not uncommon these days, there are a lot of people are suffering from it. Actually, healthy sleep is the most natural thing in the world and should be set without any input from all by itself. But for millions of people it’s not a matter of course to sleep at night. The cause of the nagging awareness of the remedies are often not even known, for no apparent reason, they roll around for hours from one side to the other and wait for their salvation, but it is still not useful for some people. However, the real motives for the nightly irritation are often more complex and deeper than one might suppose. But out of habit rather is turned on the TV to distract themselves by endless ruminations, and to escape the worries about past and future. Or you can artificially enforce the longed-for sleep – the pharmaceutical industry earns enough from the sale of sleeping pills.

We all need the healthy sleeping, because in the sleep state the body is in deep sleep and the metabolism is lowered. The Spirit changes the direction of his attention that consciousness is no longer directed outward, but deep in the inner rooms. That does not mean automatically a mental standstill or even loss of consciousness because the brain actually works during the dream phase (REM) is even harder than during the day. There are people who sleep more deeply than others by nature, as the duration of sleep requirement varies from one to another.

There are also external influences due to the cycles of nature: Who does not know the spring fever, hibernation, or jolly full moon nights. But what makes the really good sleep in? A first feature is certainly that it will occur without drugs of any kind and will not be fought against restlessness and anxiety needs. In addition, you wake up from a sound sleep not in the middle of the night and if it does, you sleep once again. The best sign of a good night there, wake up fresh and alert in the morning and start the day mentally and physically fit is able to. And finally rewarded a blessed night the following day with a nice sense of vitality that continues into the evening hours.

The science divide by measuring the brain waves of the 24-hour day into four clearly distinguishable stages of consciousness: The deep sleep or delta sleep is where the majority of the relaxation and tranquility. The dream phase : the eyes move rapidly, the brain processes the events of the past day. The slight sleep: we takes the most time of sleep, after undergoing referred to in point 1 and 2 phases were. The waking state: this is the time in which we do not sleep.