Insomnia generally refers to trouble falling and staying asleep. As a medical term, insomnia is defined as any sleep-related disorder, such as difficulty of falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
Work problems disturb sleep for 16pc of people, while family worries disrupt sleep for a further 16pc.
Technology also has an impact, with 14pc admiting they lose valuable sleep by using a smartphone or tablet in bed, according to the first National Sleep Survey, commissioned by the King Koil bed company.
More than one in five blames staying up too long as the reason they lose sleep.
Some 18pc are regularly disturbed by children in the night and 13pc are disturbed by their partner snoring or moving excessively. Overall, only 36pc of people think they are getting enough sleep.
Only 42pc reported getting eight hours sleep at night, which is right on target, as 7-9 hours sleep is the recommended amount for optimum health.
Just 7pc get less than six hours sleep.
Seven out of 10 single people admitted to not getting enough sleep on week nights, and some regularly 'binge sleep' at the weekend with all-day lie-ins. Some 15pc reported calling in sick at work, on more than one occasion, after a sleepless night.
The month of September has been dedicated 'Sleeptember' with a campaign, backed by GP Nina Byrnes, designed to provide advice on good sleep and its health benefits.
"We should never underestimate the restorative power of a good night's sleep. Both those having difficulty sleeping, and those who sleep with them, are affected, so it is very important to discuss the issue and seek medical advice," she said.
Solving the problem can be as simple as adopting good sleep habits, getting a new bed, or maybe changing the bedroom environment. For more disruptive sleep disorders, these can be investigated and treated at sleep clinics, she said.
A new website,, will address common sleep problems and solutions.
Bad news for the lingerie and pajama industry: Sleeping naked may be better for your health.
Only around eight per cent of Americans sleep in the buff according to a National Sleep Foundation poll - but your birthday suit may be the best suit to sleep in.
For one, it helps to regulate your body's temperature and so get you a better night's sleep.
Your temperature fluctuates throughout the night - getting colder as you fall asleep and warmer as your get close to waking up - and jammies can interfere with these natural fluctuations.
As your temperature drops, night clothes can make you too hot, leading to tossing and turning, says Men’s Health sleep advisor W. Christopher Winter, M.D.
There are other reported benefits to shedding your sleepwear.
A study in the journal Diabetes concluded that sleeping naked as a jaybird can actually help you lose weight.
Not only does a chillier sleep rev up your metabolism but it increases production of a brown fat stored in your neck that burns calories in order to heat up your body - something that doesn't happen if your PJs are doing the warming up work for you, according to Men's Health.
Sleeping in the raw also helps protects your private parts, according to Brian Steixner, M.D., a urologist based in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
This is because pyjamas and underwear can keep heat and moisture in and create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Both men and women's genitalia will benefit from having an airy, cooler, dryer place to sleep at night.
Sperm production can also be helped by sleeping au natural. Tight underwear and too warm testicles are bad for the swimmies, according to Men's Health.
A cooler sleep also helped the body regulate the stress hormone cortisol.
On top of all of these reported health benefits, sleeping naked against a partner increases your oxytocin levels.
This 'cuddle chemical' - also called the 'love hormone'- helps relieve stress, alleviate depression, fosters feelings of bonding and even lowers blood pressure, according to Raw Story.
But not every nationality seems to have an aversion to sleeping naked. According to a 2013 survey by the National Sleep Foundation, one-third of British people reported sleeping in the buff, reports Live Science.
As for why people don't sleep naked, no doubt fear of middle-of-night emergencies, naked sleepwalking, children and house guests are among the reasons.
A startling number of teenagers and young adults are chronically sleep deprived, and the answer is starting school or work later, one sleep expert argues.
According to Paul Kelley, a sleep researcher at the University of Oxford, children between the ages of eight and 10 should start school no earlier than 8:30 a.m., 16-year-olds should start at or after 10 a.m., and 18-year-olds at 11 a.m or later.
The suggestions come from a recent study published by Kelley and his colleagues in the journal Learning, Media and Technology.
"At the age of 10 you get up and go to school and it fits in with our nine-to-five lifestyle," Kelley said Tuesday at the British Science Festival, The Guardian reported. "When you are about 55 you also settle into the same pattern. But in between it changes a huge amount and, depending on your age, you really need to be starting around three hours later, which is entirely natural."
Adults could benefit from a later start, too. People between the ages of 18 and 55 should be starting work at 10 a.m. or later, Kelley added.
Messing with our natural body clock, or circadian rhythms, has been linked to a host of mental and physical problems, including cognitive impairment, anxiety, weight gain, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
The age range where we experience the most sleep deprivation is 14 to 24, when we get about two hours too little sleep per night. From age 24 to 30, we get about 1.5 hours too little, and from 30 to 55, we lose about an hour, Kelley told Business Insider. And the effects are cumulative. "Each day of sleep loss is added on to the next, until have chance to [sleep in]," Kelley said.
Let the teens sleep in
In line with Kelley's advice, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that middle and high schools should aim for a start time of no earlier than 8:30 a.m., and the US Department of Health recently published a study in favor of later start times. Research suggests that later school start times can improve daytime sleepiness and mood, but this has not been studied on a large scale in a randomized trial in the UK until now, Kelley said.
Kelley has been working with neuroscientists Russell Foster of Oxford and Steven Lockley of Harvard Medical School to study the effects of shifted school schedules on academic performance.
They are leading a project called Teensleep, which aims to study the effect of later start times at 100 schools throughout the UK among students aged 14 to 16.
During the project, whose results are scheduled to be published by September 2018, each school will be randomly assigned to have either an early or late start time. The researchers will also educate students at some of the schools about healthy sleep habits.
Academic performance will be measured by standardized national tests, which are given to all UK students. To determine if school start time had an effect on test scores, the findings will be analyzed by an independent group of researchers, so as not to bias the results.
Screen addicts and night owls
Of course, the time we start school or work is not the only factor affecting how much quality sleep we get.
The hours we spend exposing ourselves to bright light from our computers, phones and other devices are also eating into our sleep by preventing our brains from producing a chemical, called melatonin, that tells us its time for bed, studies suggest.
Avoiding bright screens an hour before sleep could make a big difference in the amount of sleep we get, Kelley said.
Research has also shown that people's natural sleep cycles, or chronotypes, vary. Some people (called "larks") wake up early and go to bed early, whereas others ("owls") wake up later and stay up late. So although the average teen wakes up later than kids or older adults, not all do.
Still, adjusting school start times for the average teen could be a step in the right direction.
It's 4 a.m. and I'm starting to regret that green tea I had after dinner. I'm sure that late night detective movie before bed didn't help matters either. Frankly, I know how to take care of myself, but sometimes I just think I'm immune to the common ailment called insomnia.
The truth is between 30 and 40 percent of adults in the United States have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep at some point during any given year, according to The National Sleep Foundation. Another 10 to 15 percent of the population considers their insomnia to be a chronic problem.
We all struggle from time to time with getting sleep. Either we have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or even just getting enough sleep. It's when it becomes a habit that our health can suffer.
Poor sleep is associated with a range of heart problems, including high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attack. New research shows a link between insomnia and heart failure.
How to Get the Sleep You Need
Often, the first thing yoga students tell me when they start a daily yoga practice is that they are sleeping better. They report falling asleep easier and sleeping more deeply. That's because yoga has a lot of tools to combat insomnia and sleep issues.
Here are some of my favorites:
Walking Meditation
Walking slowly without the "push" of exercise calms the nervous system and allows the energy of the mind to gently inhabit the spaces of the body. When we practice walking mediation, we begin to let go of that restlessness that may inhibit sleep. If you walk too fast, it can be stimulating and work against your efforts to romance the mind into sleep. When you slow it down, it can pacify even the busiest mind and bring relief to that feeling I call "wired tired."
Rest with Your Legs Up the Wall
This brings fresh blood back to the heart so the heart doesn't have to pump so hard. In turn, it lowers blood pressure and heart rate. It can be quite calming and relaxing when done right before bed.
Deep Relaxation
This allows physical and mental tensions to gently unwind and dissipate. According to Dr. Ramadevi Gourineni, the director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Evanston, Illinois, insomnia is believed to be a 24-hour problem of hyper arousal, and elevated measures of arousals are seen throughout the day. Their study shows that using deep relaxation techniques during the day can help improve sleep at night.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This calms the nervous system and quiets the mind. It has long been used as a practice to prepare the mind for meditation as it balances the nervous system and the hemispheres of the brain. Just 10 minutes before bed can help you transition into a relaxed and peaceful mind space. Try this Alternate Nostril Breathing audio practice.
Try turning off all technology at least one hour prior to sleeping. Technology keeps the mind engaged and busy, making it next to impossible to drift off into sleep. The light emitted from phones, computers and televisions screens can also affect sleep patterns. Research shows that room light can suppress your natural levels of melatonin and shorten your body's internal representation of the length of the night. That means that chronically exposing yourself to electrical lighting in the late evening can potentially impact your sleep. Keeping the room dark in general can promote good sleep.
Avoid Caffeine
Stop consuming caffeine after noon, and for those who are sensitive to caffeine, you may not be able to drink any without it interfering with sleep patterns. Even dark chocolate and green tea can be too stimulating.
Maintain A Regular Sleep Routine
Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day helps the body find a healthy rhythm. This can be one of the most important keys to good sleep and good health.
Read Something Inspiring
Reading something uplifting right before sleep can be just the right way to set the mind at ease and support a sense of security and peace so the mind can gently drift off.
Treat Yourself to a Warm Bedtime Drink
My favorite is warm skim milk with a dash of nutmeg. Other good ones include chamomile tea with lavender and tart cherry juice with vanilla. These are easy to make and have additional healing properties.
Reduce Unnecessary Stimulation
In addition to avoiding caffeine, it's important to reduce added stimulation such as heated conversations, spicy foods, heavy exercise, cleaning, or excessive work. This includes that late night movie murder mystery or any other stimulating input.
Deep and restful sleep is imperative to good health and the healing process. Our daily Ornish stress management practices have all the components to promote deep and restful sleep. If you hit a bump in the road, it can be helpful to review some of your sleep routines and use some of these strategies to get back on track.
Not getting six hours of sleep a night increases the chances of an early death by an incredible 12%, according to health experts.
Hormones are released as a result of sleep loss that speeds up the heart rate and raises blood pressure.
Oh, over a third of the UK population are currently putting themselves at risk- so this is a major issue.
The health problems that are encouraged by sleep deficit include diabetes, obesity and heart disease, reports the Independent.
Public Health England have launched a nationwide campaign to get people to make seven lifestyle changes including stopping smoking, drinking less alcohol and sleeping more.
A key age bracket where people can positively affect their future health is between 40 and 60 - which Public Health England describes as ‘a unique but neglected opportunity for intervention.’
Lisa Artis from the British Sleep Council said: ’Lack of sleep is a growing problem. Firstly people don’t place enough importance on sleep and the health benefits being well-rested can have.”
‘Secondly, unlike a lot of well understood life changes such as eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, sleep isn’t really on the agenda.
‘Unlike diet sleep is a hard thing to regiment and a whole number of factors such as having small children, having other health issues and environmental factors can all disturb sleep patterns.’
Middle-aged people have been advised to sleep 7-9 hours a day
Lloyds Pharmacy pharmacist, Alison Freemantle said: ‘The average middle aged adult should be aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep a night, as this is all that should be needed to feel well rested.
‘However, everyone is different, and the amount of time needed can range from 6-10 hours, so if you feel sleepy during the day, then you may need to make sure you increase your hours.’
So sleep more, drink less hooch and quit the smokes - basically live less like a film noir villain and you should be okay.
Proper sleeping position is essential for the smooth blood circulation during the time of relaxation. There are many sleeping positions which provide comfort to the body and simultaneously promote blood circulation. A human body needs enough rest hours for the refreshment of body and mind. Proper rest hours together with better sleep reveals from sleep problems like backache, arthritis, leg joints and many other sleeping disorders.
Different Sleeping Positions:
One sided sleeping position is one of the most common positions. In this sleeping position one must be sure that spine and neck are perfectly aligned. In such position many people have the habit to stuff pillow between the legs, but be sure that the pillow supports the knee through which it becomes easier to take off the pressure from lower back.
The people who suffer from hip and spinal problems are revealed with the help of this sleeping position. Resting on back is another sleeping position, which is best for the people who suffer from low back pains. It also facilitates inner organs to get better relaxation. One may also sleep on abdomen. However there are health experts who are of the opinion that this position may put strain on head, lower back and neck. But this position is mostly advisable for a person who is suffering from degenerative disease.
Infant sleeping tips:
Suffocation is most probably common and possible, when babies sleep on stomach. Babies have weak neck muscles due to which suffocation might crop up when they sleep in this position. It is better to make the baby sleep on their back with face up which helps to inhale proper oxygen in the atmosphere.
Sleep Well & Wealthy Health It is necessary to fix a proper rest hour that refreshes body and mind. But it does not mean to relax for half of the day. Sleeping for 8 hours at night must be enough to get sufficient rest. It is not always true that sleeping pills and drugs help to get good night sleep. But as far as person is concerned, there are many mild pills which help to get good night rest.
It is advisable to go early to the bed and wake up early in the morning, than to burn as a mid night lamp. Pillows, recliners and mattresses play an important part to get good and enough sleep. If a person is suffering with some muscular pains and backache problems, it is necessary to change the sleeping position or consult a qualified physician regarding such sleeping disorder to get some sleeping tips .
Today's high paced way of life regularly causes anxiety and stresses which may prompt absence of rest and sporadic dozing hours. In most pessimistic scenario this can prompt a sleeping disorder or resting issue. In this article you will get 5 resting tips that will help you to get the 7-8 hours of rest your body require consistently.
When you don't get the rest your body needs amid the night it abandons you feeling tired throughout the day. On the off chance that this forms into a consistent propensity, your fixation, memory and inclination will endure. Individuals that are battling with sufficiently getting rest more than a more extended time of time, additionally reports sorrow, tension and absence of certainty. Utilize the accompanying resting tips to stop this right off the bat and abstain from building up a genuine wellbeing issue.
Have a dozing calendar - Your body adjusts to plans. In the event that you go to bed in the meantime consistently and get up in the meantime every morning, your body will embrace this timetable and you will have the capacity to nod off a considerable measure simpler and speedier.
Maintain a strategic distance from nicotine, liquor or caffeine before sleep time - These are truly essential dozing tips, in light of the fact that these are stimulants and will make you feel more conscious. Caffeine specifically, so attempt to maintain a strategic distance from caffeine for around eight hours prior to you plan to go to bed.
Working out - Physical movement and practicing are extraordinary dozing tips that will give you a chance to have the capacity to nod off speedier in light of the fact that the body essentially needs more rest in the wake of working out. Abstain from doing activity just before sleep time however, as this may lead the body to "think" that its not time for bed yet.
Keep away from dinners before sleep time - Try to abstain from eating a substantial feast before sleep time, no less than 2-3 hours prior to you plan to go to bed. It's additionally brilliant to abstain from drinking a considerable measure, in light of the fact that you may wake up to go to the restroom amid the night. In the event that you feel hungry just before sleep time, eat a couple of treats and beverage a glass of milk.
Close off the TV before sleep time - The glimmering from a PC or TV set may bring about your body to feel that it is still day time, so attempt to abstain from sitting in front of the TV or utilizing your PC for 60 minutes or somewhere in the vicinity before going to rest.
These dozing tips are genuinely simple to utilize and on the off chance that you exploit them on a reliable premise, you will prepare your body to rest when in it needs rest and be crisp and loaded with vitality amid the day.
Perhaps you have modified Sleep Aids to achieve seem sleep in order to cure insomnia? They are really worthy and miraculous medication that has lead 1000's of individuals around the globe to achieve seem sleep. Because of stress, stress and anxiety it's very difficult for a person to attain a proper existence without these complaints. The medication provides amazing and constructive outcome. Sleeping is among the vital activities and it is essential like other pursuits including eating, breathing and consuming.
To purchase Sleeping Pills Online enables you to definitely gain benefits like cost cost, delivery in your home. Regardless of how much you get if you're not well, there is nothing enjoyable when you're not active. A great sleep makes your ideas clearer and much more productivity. Insomnia affects your individual along with your professional existence this is exactly why it's important to consider full evening sleep.
Sleeping medication allows you to get relax and seem sleep with the evening. A few of the amazing benefits provided by a seem sleep include
It keeps your heart functioning proper.
A proper heart can make proper bloodstream flow in body and for that reason veins is going to be much more healthy.
It may also help to reduce anxiety levels.
Her capacity to improve memory remembrance.
Helps you to fight existence threatening illnesses like diabetes.
It's also advantageous in managing mood disorders.
Probably the most common sleep problems Insomnia could be effectively and effectively given Sleeping Helps obtainable in market. Doctors suggest staying away from more consumption of the medication because they are highly adaptive in character. Therefore, you should make use of this medication rarely or just in case of having incapability in sleeping. Besides being best medication for dealing with sleep problems additionally, it includes some consequences which could vary from nominal to severe.
These is sedative hypnotics meaning they helps you to induce or maintain sleep. Diazepam are utilized in anti anxiety medicine which fits by lowering levels of stress. Sleepiness caused by them helps a person to achieve seem sleep. Individuals who want to choose allopathic drug are now able to go ahead and take herbal type of sleeping medication for stopping insomnia through online medical pharmaceutical stores.
Sleeping tablet boost the frequency rest and lower stress, anxiety simultaneously. Good quality sleeping habits certainly assist in achieving such task. A few of the common consequences include sleepiness, lightheadedness, indigestion, headache etc. If these after effect remains a bit longer of your time you ought to consult Physician immediately.
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — It’s estimated that one out of every 25 Americans suffer from sleep apnea. It’s a sleep disorder that can not only leave people feeling exhausted, but it can also lead to high blood pressure and even heart failure. Now, a new procedure offers patients hope.
It’s called Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy. It was approved by the FDA a year ago. Patients are reporting a nearly 70% success rate. Only a couple dozen physicians in the world are trained to perform the procedure. One of those doctors is right here in Indiana at St Vincent.
Life certainly dictates its own pace. As the demands of busy schedules pile up, it seems a good night's sleep is the first thing to go. The lack of adequate sleep knows no boundaries. Young people suffer from the same decline of proper sleeping habits as often as their parents. And in an effort to compensate for lost time, the loss of sleep carries its own consequences. Sleep is essential not only to getting through daily life, but also improving the quality of it. Here are 3 reasons why a good night's sleep is worth your time. 1. Your mind needs quiet time
During the day, our senses are constantly bombarded with sights, sounds, tastes, and smells. You may think you are used to it by now, but the only way your brain is able to process and organize that information is through sleep, specifically during the REM stage.
When you sleep, your brain is not being inundated with all sorts of information thus allowing it to strengthen the neural connections it's already made during wakefulness. If you turn your back on sleep, you would still be able to form connections and memories, but they would be weak and unstable, disrupting your brain's ability to retrieve information.
According to a Harvard articleby Dr. Robert Stickgold, "Research suggests that sleep helps learning and memory in two distinct ways. First, a sleep-deprived person cannot focus attention optimally and therefore cannot learn efficiently. Second, sleep itself has a role in the consolidation of memory, which is essential for learning new information."
As tempting as it may be for your student to pull an all-nighter in preparation for tomorrow's exam, she would be better suited to go to bed early, get a healthy amount of sleep and wake up earlier to study for her exam. 2. Your physical performance significantly decreases
"Not getting enough sleep has been linked to a laundry list of mental and physical health problems, including those that stem from an impaired immune system," wrote Denise Mann in her WebMD article, Can Better Sleep Mean Catching Fewer Colds? Our immune system is designed to protect us from colds, flu, and other ailments, but when it is not functioning properly, it fails to do its job. The consequences can include more sick days."
You may also have to pay a few more visits to the doctor, since your immune system and sleep are heavily linked. Sleep deprivation hinders the production of T-cells, which are basically the cells in your body that fight off infection and viruses. So, not only do you feel miserable and tired, but you have to pay for it (literally) as well.
Our body is designed to trigger signals at times of need. It signals when it is hungry and needs energy, and it signals when it is tired and needs to be rested. Just as poor eating habits create an adverse effect on the body, so can inadequate sleeping patterns. 3. You have a better attitude
Did your temper get out of hand today? Are you feeling stressed and out of focus? Is your outlook on life negative and cynical? Maybe the answer is to get in your eight hours. People have reported significantly better attitudes when they get enough sleep, not to mention lower levels of stress, depression and anxiety.
There is no simple answer as to why sleep affects your mood, but it has to do with your energy. It takes energy to go through your daily life, and when you don't have sufficient energy to do that, you become frustrated and stressed.
We all need our sleep, but the amount varies with age. According to the National Sleep Foundation, toddlers around one to two years need an average of 11 to 14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. School-aged children around the ages of 6 to 13 years need approximately 9 to 11 hours of sleep.
Ironically, this is the age where responsibilities and activities that occur outside of the home demand much of your child's time. So it's important to teach your children the importance of time management to better maintain a healthy sleep schedule. You want to establish healthy sleep habits now that can carry your child into his later years.
For adults, the predominant number is eight hours. By the way, honoring a healthy sleep schedule is a wonderful example for your children. If they see you regularly pulling an all-nighter to get a project finished, the lesson is learned quickly.
Not only does sleep make you feel good, it's a necessary component to functioning properly. Sleep strengthens your mind, your body, your immune system, and your disposition. So, grab your pillow. You're not just sleeping, you are building a better, stronger and healthier you — one dream at a time.
If cult actor and sometime country musician Jeff Bridges’ new album, Sleeping
Tapes, is aimed at anyone, it is people like me. I have, on numerous occasions
when Radio 3 is getting a bit severe, typed into YouTube “drowsy music drones”
or “guaranteed to make you sleep” in a desperate quest to silence my chattering
mind. I’ve even dipped my toe in the world of autonomous sensory meridian
response (ASMR), hours of videos, all with millions of views, of people softly
speaking at you about a massage they’re going to give, or ordering you a hotel
Bridges’ record is sort of ASMR-plus and claims to draw on his years of
practising meditation and studying zen philosophy. It’s also basically a massive
advert for the website-designing platform Squarespace, which you might know
because it sometimes appears to sponsors every podcast ever made, to show off
how even a big old hippy such as Jeff Bridges can build own website.
So for the past few nights, I’ve put on a novelty T-shirt and my night
shorts, climbed in to bed and let the Dude soothe me to sleep.
The first thing I notice in my dopey state is how quickly I come to accept
that the ambient noises Bridges has recorded – of flowing streams and whistling
wind – are, in fact, outside my window. The most soothing sounds come from
Bridges himself, his grunts and whistles sound like a storm brewing or an acorn
skimming a lake. I picture him laying in the soil, moss growing over his beard,
with a microphone hanging down from a branch. As I said, I’m a sucker for this
kind of thing.
There are some astonishingly lovely moments. A bedtime story about a tenor
saxophone player who uses Play-Doh to keep his fingers limber. Bridges talking
to some children about how, when his daughter was younger, he agreed to meet her
by a special tree in both their dreams.
On one track, Feeling Good, he just says nice things about you: “I like your
haircut, you order well at restaurants, you have excellent insights about
popular movies, you’re very good at guessing when a traffic light will turn
green.” Cheers, Jeff. Jeff Bridges, who
claims to draw on his years of practising meditation for his new album, Sleeping
Tapes.Photograph: Jason
Redmond/Associated Press
It should all be a bit of a gimmick, but it works rather well; I’ll doze in
and out initially, feeling upbeat and sleepy. Often, I wake up for a few tracks
only to fall back asleep, but in three attempts I’ve never made it to the end of
The problem, though, is that, when I sleep, Bridges sticks around. He becomes
the narrator of my dreams, passing comment as I go about my imaginative
business. One night, after I’d gone out drinking in real life, I felt thirsty in
my dream, and Bridges was there extolling the virtues of drinking water, just as
he does on the tapes. I woke up and went to the tap, feeling both quenched and
as if a Hollywood actor had rewired my subconscious.
Basically, it helps you get to sleep, but it plays with your dreamlike state
so much that your concept of reality quickly degenerates. I’m almost certain
that, one night, while wearing my night shorts, I will meet Bridges by that
tree, and we can both lie in the soil.
One can decide on their own sleeping arrangement by carrying one of these. Be it outside camping or making visits to places on a vacation, Coleman sleeping bags provide the comfort of carrying them. There is a remarkable comfort level while sleeping in these bags. Available in all sizes and shapes, these are ideal for kids visiting places especially during vacation breaks.
Their utility and varying dimensions make them recommendable to everyone. When you are planning a trip, you need not worry about making sleeping arrangements for the entire family. Your concern for sleeping older folks or kids in the family would be reduced by the comfort of these bags.
It was a revolutionary idea until the army fell to its foes. After the war he had many of these bags still left and decided to market them to the public. The idea caught on and eventually came with the option for a built in pillow for more comfort. Basically the term sleeping bag essentially means a protective bag for someone to sleep in. and is basically two blankets that can be zipped together in cases where a bed is not available. There are a couple different shapes of bags outlined below.
While originally being just two blankets zipped together, over the years the technology has allowed manufacturers t fill them with synthetic material creating better heat retention than the old styles.
Synthetic will keep you warm however it tends to compress easier and the bottom of the bag will let cool air in because of this. Without going into too much depth about how they arrive at these numbers, basically they check the best sleeping bags under stringent guidelines utilizing a clothed dummy sporting long underwear and a hat. Sensors on the mannequin record temperature readings. The lower the number, the colder the external ambient temperature can be where the bag will keep you warm.