Insomnia generally refers to trouble falling and staying asleep. As a medical term, insomnia is defined as any sleep-related disorder, such as difficulty of falling asleep and/or staying asleep.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
How to Overcome Sleep Problem
Sleep problems can interrupt your regular sleeping patterns and cause sleeping disorders like insomnia. While sleep doctors can help you overcome any sleeping problems, there are various ways to improve the quality of your sleep on your own.
First, identify your sleep patterns and symptoms.
Difficulty falling or staying asleep means you have insomnia. Individuals with insomnia may wake up frequently in the middle of the night and find it hard to go back to sleep. You may also wake up too early in the morning or sleep too late at night, leading to inadequate and poor quality.
Other people may only sleep before morning and wake up at noon. This is called delayed phase disorder. The condition is more of an acquired pattern rather than a true disorder.
Self-help for insomnia and other sleep problems
Simple changes in your lifestyle can improve the quality of your sleep.
Exercise regularly. It is known that stress and fatigue affects a person's quality of sleep. Working out regularly de-stresses the body and improves blood circulation, leading to a more restful sleep. By exercising habitually, you can alter your sleeping patterns leading to a more regular and peaceful night sleep.
Cut off from caffeine. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, soda, chocolate, and even tea can cause sleep problem. If you can't cut off the caffeine entirely, reduce intake throughout the day. Avoid intake of caffeinated drinks at night as well.
Avoid too much light exposure two to three hours before bedtime. Light-emitting appliances and devices like television, computer monitors, and mobile phones activate your brain's mechanism and interrupt your circadian rhythm or biological clock. This in turn leads to poor sleep and even changes your patterns.
Keep your room cool, dark, and quiet. Darkness triggers your biological clock and informs your brain to rest. This happens naturally every night, as less light also affects the circadian rhythm. Also keep your room comfortably cool as extreme temperature can cause discomfort, which can then lead to poor sleep quality. Environmental noise should also be blocked as it can interfere with the restful sleep.
Maintain a regular schedule. Most people require at least seven hours of sleep every night to wake up refreshed and productive in the morning. If you work at night, make sure that regularly and peacefully in the morning. Alteration of your regular schedule can affect your pattern and lead to insomnia.
Avoid taking medications like sleeping pills. While sleeping pills can solve a problem, it must be taken only under a doctor's supervision. Pills are only temporary solution to insomnia and do not cure the problem altogether. In addition, taking pills regularly can cause dependence where you cannot without medications. Pills should also be taken only if you have enough time to sleep. Otherwise, you can get up with a headache and feel drowsy next day.
If you only have insomnia and do not have other sleeping disorder, following these simple lifestyle changes tips can help you to get a good night sleep. However, if you are suffering from sleep disorders like narcolepsy and sleep apnea, consult with your doctor immediately.
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