Since the emergence of symptoms of chest pain was not recognized by the sufferer, GERD while sleeping also called asymptomatic silent reflux or heartburn. These symptoms will disappear when you wake up, so that felt just being tired because sleep is not qualified. In addition, the position of sleep can also affect the rise of stomach acid. Aka Spinchter valve that limits the stomach into the esophagus with the channel will be weakened if the side sleeping position to the right, so it is more advisable to sleep on your left.To be able to sleep more soundly, you should not eat before bedtime triggers stomach acid such as acidic or spicy foods, alcohol and chocolate. It could also chew gum before bed, because it can increase saliva production which will neutralize stomach acid.

Restless leg syndrome or restless leg syndrome causes the legs would not stop moving while sleeping. Movement is diverse, ranging from kicking to constantly change positions of the crosses to the left move to right all night.This syndrome usually occurs during sleep entered the phase of rapid eye movement (REM) so he could not sleep soundly. Though unconscious, the body requires energy to move my legs a little not so normal that when I wake up feeling tired. Because it is not known exactly what causes it, restless leg syndrome is rather difficult to overcome. But according to some studies, vitamin B in the online red, spinach and vegetables can reduce the symptoms that accompany restless legs syndrome.
Breathing through the mouth to make the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles is reduced, so the body becomes unfit waking. Breathing through the mouth also risk triggering the most severe snoring or is airway obstruction or sleep apnea.If the saliva dripping and leaving a spot on the pillow and in the corner of the lips, it was a sign mouth continually open during sleep. Respiratory likely to occur through the mouth or mouth breathing, not through the nose like normal people breathe.
Bruxism and restless leg syndrome is actually included in the category of REM Behavior Disorder or behavioral disturbances in REM phase. Another term for sleep disorders such as parasomnias that this is not normal is defined as behavior that is done without conscious during sleep. There are many other forms of parasomnias, including sleep talking (ngelindur), sleep walking (walking in his sleep), sleep texting (sending SMS while sleeping) and even sleep eating (eating while sleeping). There is again the most exhausting, namely having sex while asleep or seksomnia.
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