...how ironic, yet true! Insomnia has become a very common problem these days! The reasons could be many... stress, depression, improper diet, work overload... all of which is a gift of the modern lifestyle and its demands! When we want to sleep, we have no time, and when time permits to sleep and take some rest, there is no sleep! We focus on trying to fall asleep, emptying our minds, keeping our eyes closed, but in vain! We see the time pass, and the clock ticking away the seconds, and then the morning comes and it's time to get up! Does this happen with you too? Relax! Below are some effective tips to fall asleep quickly that will help you get the sound sleep that your body is craving for. Have a look...
Ways to Fall Asleep Quickly
Lack of proper sleep can gravely upset your routine! This is because the body has not been able to relax and replenish itself to perform the tasks that it has to in the day! It is necessary for you to sleep like a baby, if you want a fresh and active mind all through the day! Mentioned below are some effective tips to fall asleep, just the way you want - undisturbed!
Be Active Throughout the Day
A tired body gets a sound sleep! The physically active you are throughout the day, the easier it will be for you to sleep during the night. The body uses sleep as a way to replenish the mental and physical energy that you have lost all throughout the day! If you stay physically inactive, your body hasn't depleted any energy and therefore you experience difficulty in sleeping. So, another tip to sleep better is to try going for a jog one day, and see what refreshing sleep you get in the night!
No Eating Before Sleeping
Lying on the bed, watching TV, we do feel like grabbing on a bed time snack, but that may interrupt the good night sleep that you are looking forward too! Make the rule simple, no carbohydrates, no coffee, no alcohol, and no cigarettes before sleeping. These will make your mind alert which will eventually prevent sleeping.
Have a Warm Cup of Milk
Have a warm cup of milk at least an hour or 2 before you go to bed. If you want you can add a little honey to it! This will relax your mind and boost the chances of getting a sound sleep. Also you will get a chance to brush your teeth and clean up the milk and honey! :)
Have a Hot Shower
Taking a nice warm bath before sleeping also relaxes your body and mind. You feel clean and fresh, which makes it easier for you to relax and go to a deep sound sleep. But make sure you take your bath at least an hour before you sleep. This is because the warm water enables the heart rate to go up. So need some time to get that to normal to be able to sleep.
Keep Your Mind Clear
Another very important yet difficult trick to fall asleep, is to keep your mind clear and calm. When we are stressed or worried, it is normal to think about the events of today and the planning for tomorrow when we lie down on the bed. This is something that o have to avoid doing if you want to have a quick sleep. Just clear your mind. If there is something that you need to remember for tomorrow, write it down on a piece of paper so that you don't have to bother your mind! Avoid any arguments before you sleep. If you have one, clear it up and then go to bed.
Set the Right Room Temperature
The ideal room temperature for you to sleep should be 16°C - 18°C. Do not make the room temperature too high or low as it will affect the process of falling asleep quickly. Make sure that the room temperature is comfortable, and so is the bed!
Use of Sound Therapy
It has been medically proven that sound therapy is one of the effective ways to fall asleep instantly as it can really tune your mind by relaxing the brainwaves! Listening to soft music can reduce the activeness and alertness of the brain and consequently allow you to sleep in a much relaxed way!
Use of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy too is an effective way of relaxing the mind enabling it to sleep quickly. Use of essential oils like lavender oils, chamomile oils or lemon balm oils in your bath or as pillow sprays can help fall you asleep quickly.
Avoid Taking Power Naps
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to avoid taking power naps if you find it difficult to have a sound sleep during the night. As mentioned earlier, be as active as you can during the day and save all the rest for the night.
Many people opt for sleeping pills and similar drugs in an attempt to find a way to fall asleep fast. I would suggest to keep its use as minimum as possible, or completely avoid using them as they can become an addiction, making the situation worse! Instead, it is advisable to go for the aforementioned tips to fall asleep quickly. These are simple yet effective tips, which are easy to follow, and you will easily be able to notice the difference in your sleeping habits! If you still have difficulties falling asleep after trying these techniques, you should check with your doctor if you are suffering from some kind of sleep disorder, and start its treatment as soon as possible. A healthy body and mind needs a healthy sleep. So make sure you get loads of it! Good luck!
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