Saturday, November 26, 2011

What's The Result Of Lack of Sleep ?

While you might think that you are simply cranky naturally, the problem could be from a total lack of sleep. Studies have shown that this also causes impatience and sudden mood swings as well. In some cases, you might find that it changes your overall personality.While most people will agree that a lack of sleep causes us to be tired the next day, many don't realize there are other effects on the body as well.When this happens, you might find that you are always hungry, even when you've just eaten. Your body is unable to determine what needs it actually has and soon you are consuming abnormal amounts of food that a little sleep could help to offset.That is the fact that sleeping right can help to curb both depression and anxiety as well. When you don't sleep enough, it can begin to wear down on your emotional state as we mentioned earlier.

Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Is this affecting your daily life and or day time activities? Sleep problems is on the rise! People who have difficulty in sleeping or not getting enough good quality sleep maybe suffering from Insomnia. This condition can slowly start effecting the performance or wellbeing during the daytime. No other ways to treat sleep apnea? No other alternatives to CPAP? Thank goodness for those of us who don't want nagging slow death sleep apnic medical conditions or love the idea of wearing an alien bomber co-pilot mask tethered to a noisy contraption every night. As well as a frequent topic of conversation at parties and events, that in this day and age it's impossible for anyone over 40 to get a good night's sleep? The symptoms include snoring, disruption of breathing while sleeping, feeling tired upon waking, aching head upon waking, daytime exhaustion and drowsiness, changes in disposition and attentiveness, and a decline in sex drive.

Their relationships suffer, their work output decreases and they feel unhealthy in general. It is a debilitating disorder that requires treatment. Untreated sleep apnea has been shown to be a contribution to many other serious problems, such as cardiovascular symptoms, which are prominent among middle-aged men.This is a multifaceted and personal question that should be discussed by you, your sleep doctor and your family doctor. The treatment should be chosen according to the type of apnea, the severity of the symptoms, and your other health considerations. One conservative treatment that has been proven to help is the application of various dental devices.The mandibular advancement device, referred to as MAD, is the most widely used instrument for treatment of sleep apnea. Its features are similar to a mouth guard, which forces the lower jaw downward and forward to maintain an open and unobstructed airway.

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